Wedding Day Getting Ready Kit

As you prepare for your wedding weekend, you’re probably starting to pack and put together items that would be helpful for the getting ready process. As professional wedding planners, we carry an emergency kit for our couples that includes anything you, your bridesmaids and groomsmen, and your family might need. We’re sharing that full list with you so you can build your own getting ready kit!

Bride getting ready for wedding day
Groom getting ready for wedding day

Unexpectedly, buttons can break, spills happen, dehydration strikes, tears fall, and oopsies happen. Wardrobe malfunctions are common as nearly everyone is wearing something they’ve never worn before. Our comprehensive list of the Personal Needs Getting Ready Kit helps prepare you and your wedding party for the unexpected! You can forward this list to one of your bridesmaids and put them in charge of putting together an emergency kit for everyone.

Here’s our must-haves for your Wedding Weekend getting ready Packing List:


  • Portable phone chargers- who knows where the closest outlet is? Using portable chargers means you can keep your phone with you instead of plugged into a wall and forgotten somewhere!

  • Handheld steamer- you can bring this to the getting ready room and delegate for one of your bridesmaids to help steam dresses before they get hair and makeup done!

  • Individual kleenex packs- because happy tears happen.



  • Corsage pins- pinning boutonnieres is so much easier with multiple pins. Sometimes the florist only provides one!

  • Sewing kit- the absolute best affordable mini sewing kit.

  • Shout wipes- these work so much better than a Tide To Go stick!

  • Lint roller- if your fur baby is part of your day, there will be hair. Trust me.

  • Double sided fashion tape- avoid a wardrobe malfunction, or solve one in an instant!

  • Boob tape and nipple covers- bridesmaid dresses never seem to be made for a regular bra. Problem solved.

  • Crochet hook- every wedding planner’s trick to looping buttons or bustles on wedding dresses.

  • Safety pins- fixing dresses at every wedding I’ve ever been to. Literally.

The Medicine Cabinet

  • Nuun hydration tablets- no dehydration on my watch.

  • Pepto Bismol chewables- between nerves and weird eating patterns, you might have a grumbly tummy and that’s no good!

  • Insect repellant wipes- listen up, if your wedding is outdoors during the summer, you DO NOT want bug bites on your arms or chest! Wipes are better than spray because you don’t get any aerosol spray on your outfit.

  • Hand sanitizer spray- keepin’ hands clean on the go.

  • Advil pocket pack- headaches are such a buzzkill, we pass out Advil all the time.

  • Eye drops- more happy tears!

  • Cough drops- if someone is losing their voice and needs to speak during the ceremony or give a toast!

  • Tampons- if you need one you REALLY need one.

Looking for our list of must-have toolkit items for setting up your wedding venue? Check out our curated Wedding Emergency Kit Must-Haves!

Pinning a boutonniere on a groom

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